Thursday, February 19, 2009

Twilight vs. Harry Potter Smackdown!

Which one is more awesomer? Who did you vote for in the pole? Why? Who is the most awesomest werewolf? And what would happen if Harry and Edawrd switched roles (but still remaining a wizard, vampire, or whatever they are)? And whose roles would you switch? Spill your guts out (but not your blood, 'cause we don't want to tempt the nice vegetarian vampires)?


Hermione Granger said...

Im first

Hedwig said...

Both really rock. The thing with Edward and Harry switching places is weird though b/c that would mean Edward+Ginny and Harry+Bella, and that's just wrong.

Fleur said...

y r u do freaking obbsessed w/ twilight??????? its ok, its nawt THAT good

Hedwig said...

You only say that 'cause you can't read them, and you don't want to feel left out. I hate to sound like Vasquez but -world's smallest violin playing-

Luna Lovegood said...

I agree with Wig-Hed. Edward + Ginny is just wrong, and Harry+Bella is just wronger.

Oh and Fleur, the Twilight books are fantastic, but the movie is only okay-ish. My friends ad I make fun of that movie ALL the time.

Luna Lovegood said...

BUT I have to say that if Edward was "the Chosen One" and all that instead of Harry, Voldemort would have been dead by the end of Book One.

Hedwig said...

you know what's really, really sad................................

bonnie's favorite hobby is slamming jackie, and i have 2 listen 2 it........:( poor me

Hermione Granger said...

POOR YOU?!?!?!?!?!?
Sorry, I lost my cool for a second. Oh, that's right. I forgot that you can't lose what you never had to begin with.